Sound Writing Practices }{ AcWriMo 2013 }{ Week 4

This is my log for #AcWriMo 2013.  You can read my guiding philosophy for the exercise here, and my lofty goals here.  Now let’s get on with my accountability.

Nov. 25th

Week started with my 7 am Skype interview for a job overseas.  I had stayed up late but was adequately prepared.  I thought I’d take a nap afterwards but instead got some stuff done.

* 3 Pomodoros to get the next job application in – my 20th submission since Sept. 30th.  Five more due by Friday…

* 2 Pomodoros reading a colleague’s dissertation intro draft and providing some comments.

* 30 minutes working on this blog post.

Nov. 26th

4 Pomodoros on the next job applicaiton – 2 more than I would have liked.

4 Pomodoros revising a chapter proposal for an anthology.  Also 2 more than I would have liked.

Feeling frustrated that both of these tasks took twice as long as expected, meaning that it’s now 5 pm and I didn’t get in any work on my sample chapters.  So although I hit my goal of 8 Pomodoros, I feel like I only got half of my day’s work done.  I really need to get these chapters done by the end of next week, and it isn’t going to happen with this level of underestimation all the time.

Nov. 27th

5 hours non-Pomodoro work – pretty much straight through – on this evening’s guest lecture.  That was my whole work day.  While I was hoping to get a couple other things done, I’m happy at least that I didn’t let this occupy my mind until today, so in the end it’s only one day out of the week spent.

* 3 hours guest lecture and discussion group.  It was fun!
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* Got home wired on one extra coffee so I’m up after putting the kids down to do a couple other tasks. 2 hours helping a colleague revise her book chapter abstract and working through her comments on mine.

Nov. 28th

* 4 Pomodoros on my book intro.  Managed to write a 1,000 word set-up for the chapter, the part I’ve been struggling with most this month.  So although I only hit half my desired time allotment for the day, I feel like the work was better than usual.

Nov. 29th

Today was a write-off (pun intended). Errands downtown consumed most of the day. I managed to get a few emails out of the way, so at least there’s that.  But this means I’ll have to put some work time in on the weekend again…

Nov. 30th

* Two hours on the first of three remaining job applications due tomorrow.

Two hours on my Week 3 post.  Still spending way too much time on these…

Two hours to finish the second of the job applications.

* Two hours late night on the Week 3 post and my chapter proposal for the anthology.

Dec. 1st

Four hours more on that danged chapter proposal.  Worked much longer on this than I had expected, back and forth with a couple of colleagues offering excellent advice.  And I returned the favour by reading their submissions for the same anthology.  Hopefully all the work pays off.

Posted on December 4, 2013 at 8:19 am by rjordan · Permalink
In: #AcWriMo, Academia, Writing about Sound

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