Film Review }{ The Delian Mode

Today is the inaugural edition of Delia Derbyshire Day! Events include a mini-symposium in Manchester to honour her pioneering work in electronic music, featuring a screening of The Delian Mode by Canadian filmmaker Kara Blake. In support of the day I’m re-posting my review of the film, originally published as part of my report on […]

Schizophonographics* }{ Side A }{ Second Cut

*Evocations of the schizophonic condition through the graphic representation of materials and/or processes pertaining to phonography. Side A: Juxtapositions from the ruins of an unwritten treatise on haunted phonography in the cinema. It can also bring about a natural improvement in the females who use this cipla viagra india medicine. In my opinion these are […]

Schizophonographics* }{ Side A }{ First Cut

*Evocations of the schizophonic condition through the graphic representation of materials and/or processes pertaining to phonography. Side A: Juxtapositions from the ruins of an unwritten treatise on haunted phonography in the cinema. Love from Mother Only }{ Dennison Ramalho }{ 2003 The Curves of the Needle }{ Theodor Adorno }{ 1927 For common ailments that are […]

4’33” in the Soundscape of a Haunted Guggenheim

The first time I went into Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim Museum in New York City a couple of years ago I was immediately confronted with a cacophony that suggested a blatant case of the sight-centered approach to architecture from which so many modernist buildings suffer: looks fantastic, and sounds awful.  Or as R. Murray Schafer […]